So Aiden finally allowed me to cut his hair today.
I sat him in a bar stool and it was the perfect height, but a swivel seat. It was quite hilarious chasing the chair in circles while cutting but Aiden enjoyed himself.
It will take a bit of getting used to his new look since his hair has been long for nearly 2 years now.
He's handsome no matter how he wears his there though ♥
He looks so cute! God if I cut my kids hair they'd turn out with really wierd dos.
His father is upset that I didn't give him a mullet LMAO
Very cute!
My son only lets me cut his fringe.
I totally love it! Can you do my kids next? A was not satisfied with his last cut and whinged that she gave him a "bloody bowl cut!" LOL! She has not let him live it down and thankfully is light hearted as he expressed his disgust in front of her! (How embarassment!) She keeps bragging to all and sundry that "the hippy chics kid hates her styles!" LOL
Hey! I told her to feel free to express her side to him! He swears she will not go near him again! LOL! Looks like long hair will be in fashion around here again!
PS So glad its not a mullet, I am so over the 80's myself! LOL And Aiden is so good looking it would merely take away from his natural style! Now where are those doggie ears?
LMAO The cut happened because I cut the fringe yesterday to get it out of his eyes and it really gave the bowl cut look.
It's pretty easy to cut a kids hair.. they don't like it neat so grab and snip where ever and hope for the best.. of course it also helps to use the clippers on a #4 to neaten up any messy bits LOL
I do my children's hair myself to save getting embarrassed when they whinge that they hate their hair cuts loudly across the salon *has happened before*
Ha! So you know just how I feel. Now come on over! You can do my hair while your here too! The wine is in the chiller!
Sure thing :0) I hope you like Aiden's do because it's the only one I know.. it should suit you though LOL
Oh PS...Have you got a secret? Are you cooking something? Just askin' I was just a lurking somewhere else and saw some comment! Is it true?????
For gods sake! Are you on facebook? LOL, this is ridiculous as far as chats go! My name on there is Karisma Fine (Oh and my real name is Lisa) LOL
I have added you on Facebook :0)
Yep! He is still good looking~! Just checking!
LMAO yep he's still yummy..
I suppose I should do some more blog posts hey? LOL I've been pretty slack.
I will do one tonight after I finish this essay I haven't started yet!!!
Man! I think this kids hair probably grew already again! Where are you?
I know, I have been so slack with my blogging.
He is actually due for another trim now that you mention it LOL
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