Aiden went to the Wiggles concert last Wednesday. I hate driving in the city and parking is a nightmare. I arrived and hour an a half early to get a spot, but still drove around for half an hour trying to find one.
I was in tears worried he would miss out, but just as soon as the water works started, someone pulled out of a spot.
He was in absolute awe over the Wiggles being on stage.. so much so that he couldn't even bring himself to dance like the rest of the kids. He just stood and stared at the stage and occasionally looked back at me with a smile and pointed at the stage to show me Dorothy, Henry and Captain Feathersword.
After the show we went to the stall they had set up and I promised him he could have 1 piece of memorabilia. He asked for a balloon, but when they told me the price ($20) I encouraged him to get something he could keep rather than something that would deflate or pop.
He got a Sam (the yellow Wiggle) plush toy for $16 and a pair of Wags the dog ears for $6. Much better value I think haha
When we got home he played with his new Wiggles toys and then fell asleep on the couch at 4pm and stayed asleep till 7am the next morning.

The next day he decided to practice playing some tunes in his guitar. Of course it was Wiggles all the way LOL

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