Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can you believe this heat!??!?

Well I am happy to announce that, other than being heat affected, I feel pretty much back to normal *squee*
I feel calmer, happier, can think more clearly (in temps below 47 degrees LOL ) and I haven't had a seizure in a week.. maybe more than that.
I was a bit of a dare devil and cut out the keppra on day two of the 8 of weaning, but it has proven to be a good move. How can the doctors honestly believe someone would put a pill in their mouth when they know that pill is effecting them so badly.
This pill is making me want to kill myself..oooo... can't wait to pop it *snort*

Anyway, I can move on now and pretend nothing happened.
Just thought I would update. My next post will include pretty pics and happy tales haha


artemis-of-the-eucalypts said...

Yay Genie!!!! I am so glad youre back. Huge hugs your way lovley. L x

Ariad said...

You are an awesome woman! Hooray for you (as my nanna would have said!) Come and visit if you ever want a trip north. We can share a wottle of bine and never even think about nasty drugs or norty teens!

Genie said...

L, I love being back.. my family are relieved too :)

Ariad, a trip up north sounds divine. I would love to share a wottle of bine with you too LOL


Currawong said...

Take it easy, Genie. Not too much fun!!! XXX

majikfaerie said...

so glad to hear it!

lotusbirther said...

hooray, hurrah!, hope you keep on gettin fitter and weller (ya know!) despite the heat and the norty teens

lotusbirther said...

So glad you are feeling better, hope you still are despite the heat and fires. I hope you haven't been affected too closely.
There is an Award, a Lemonade Award, for you on my blog Embracign Life. It is an award for bloggers with great attitude and gratitude. You'll have to hunt around to actually locate it but it is there somewhere. If you work out how to post it well, please do let me know as I haven't worked it out yet!

Genie said...

Oh I get an award!!!!
*rushes off to find it*

Things are still going well. The fires have been pretty stressful for all Autralians, so I can't really complain about the thick smoke I've been breathing. Itchy eyes and throat is nothing compared to what others have had to go through.

Thanks again for you thoughts and support lotusbirther *hugs* You bring a smile to my face.

Louise said...

Great news Genie~

may you continue to heal and be well