Monday, February 16, 2009

The 10 Lemonade award bloggers

It is an award for bloggers with great attitude and gratitude

Ok I have chosen 10 people
here's the list

Louise The Fig Tree

artemis-of-the-eucalypts Purple pathways

Ariad rainbow Love Farm

Karisma Karisma and kids

Vallyspirte Froggy pocket

Currawong Views from my tree

Sazz All that Sazz


Greendraggon Consensual Purification


last but not least

Hippymummy Happy Hippy Madhouse

I need to then notify them all somehow.

yay I think the links work now!!!


karisma said...

LOL! You are too funny! You could always pop by their blogs and tell them! But then those of us who check our reader will find it ourselves! Thanx for the love sweetie! I sure needed it tonight! All the shit finally got to me and I kinda melted! Big hugs to you my sweet, hope things are going better down your way! xxxx000xxxxx

Currawong said...

Aw, thanks Genie. You're lovely XXX

Sarah said...

aww thanks!

greendraggon said...

Awww thanks Genie!